Adult Individual Psychotherapy

It’s easy to look for advice in the wrong places.

You have some great friends, and perhaps your mother is always there for you. But that does not always translate to someone who can really listen to what you are going through right now.

Without some real knowledge about your situation, they are likely to tell you not to worry about it. You’ve been told so many times, “Just don’t let it bother you.”

But “IT” bothers you!

If you hear that one more time, you are going to scream! If you could not let it bother you, don’t they think you would?

Keeping on, keeping on…

You could just keep going along the same path and do nothing, but that seems like a waste.

You are so much more than this, and you are used to getting things done. You have seen success in school, at work, or in life – but now you feel stuck. If you could just shake it, things would all be better again.

It is time to get you unstuck and back to the strong, confident professional that you were.

Let’s work together to “get you over the hump”!

Perhaps your problems are “real” only to you, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve some support and empathy.

You need someone who understands and can help you feel heard. It could be some stress at work, maybe a recent break-up, or perhaps your boss sucks. No matter what, there is a hump that you need to clear.

I am here to help you get over that hump.

Do you have your life goals set?

If you have read through my site, you might be thinking that I only work with parents.

While I love working with parents, I also know that before we were parents, we were all individuals. Therefore, the focus might need to be back on you as an individual and the things upon which you need to work.

You are a busy professional and like to get things done! Me, too. I want to know that I am living the best life that I can and constantly moving forward to reach my goals. But it is always important to first think about the end goal.

If we have no idea where we are going, we cannot reach or achieve any goals.

Goal-directed therapy

Being in therapy does not have to be a whole big “thing.” Sometimes you just need to talk with a person who isn’t your mom or best friend.

You need an unbiased person who does not tell you, “Just don’t let it bother you.” It’s not because you are crazy or cannot handle your problems on your own. It is just nice to have that extra support sometimes.

It is that easy.

Call (772) 774-4727 today to get your life back under your control. Get that gentle push you have been needing, so you can go back to that awesome person that you are.

Let’s get it done now.