Family Work and Parent Training

It can be so frustrating!

You know what to do, but it is SO hard sometimes. Alternatively, you do it, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

You might even have lots of comments from the peanut gallery saying, “Have you tried this or that?” Maybe your co-parent does not follow through on the things you think are important.

What is important is to really get an accurate picture of the situation that is going on and what things you can do to change them, however big or small.

You might need to re-imagine your family and parenting style. What are your actual parenting goals? Is what you are doing getting you closer to those goals or further away?

House rules – essential for a smooth family life.

Behavioral parent training programs have been used for many years and have been found to be very effective.

Although many of the ideas and techniques taught in parent training might appear to be common sense, sometimes we need a little support to learn how to best put them into practice and use them consistently.

There are a variety of topics covered in parent training sessions including establishing house rules, regular routines, and daily charts to provide a consistent structure. Others involve the development of consistent responses to positive and negative behavior.

We all want to live in a peaceful and harmonious home environment. Let’s get you back there. Imagine how great it will be when you and your little ones, or not-so-little ones, get to spend less time frustrated and more time having fun.

Parenting teenagers is a give-and-take process.

This all sounds great, but my child is a… teenager. Even parents of teens can be helped. When the child involved is a teenager, parent training is slightly different.

Parents are taught behavioral techniques that are age-appropriate. Often, the parents and teenager meet together with the therapist to learn how to come up with solutions to problems they find most critical.

Parents and teens alike are crucial participants in the improvement process. The give and take between parents and teenager in these sessions is necessary to motivate and promote change in the family.

Applying these skills takes a lot of hard work on the part of the family members. However, the hard work pays off.

Choose to improve your family life now.

As parents, we are our children’s first teachers. Let me help you be the best ‘parent/teacher’ you can be.

Please call (772) 774-4727 today to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.